~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

....9:15am...10 June 1987....

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A baby girl was born....
and all she ever dreamt, is to become a princess
to be like a princess should
to find her very own prince charming
to make her family happy with the fortune that she can get
and still now,she dreamt the same dream
and little by little she try to make it come true~

with every steps that she took, she tried her very best to walk as elegantly as a princess should
she is a princess in her fathers eyes
his very own little princess

she's the kind of girl that can get excited even for a smallest things~
she loves books and can't get enough of it
she loves musics and can't live without it
she's curious about every little thing in this world and try to learn as many things that she can put her hands on
she love her family even though she rarely showed it
she appreciate all her friends and love them as much
she fall in love easily but she will be faithful to the one that holds her heart
she's crazy about anything that beautiful in her eyes
she loves to try new things
she have weird taste for food sometimes
she loves something thats sweet & spicy at the same time
some frens called her weird
overall, she's a crazy, weird, dreamer, lunatic and watever it is people always tell about her...

and that girl is ME~~~✿

♥ XOXO ♥

5 letters of shadows:

Denna the Loner said...

u weird???? U're the sweetest friend I've ever known.. U know those game where u need to say the first thing that pops in ur head when someone else say something or someone? Well, the 1st thing that pops in my mind whenever ur name came across was and will always be --> "Smile,.. Happy sunshine" Hahaha! Happy Birthday my friend...

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

awww~~ thanks D~~ hahahha~~ but my fren keep saying I'm strange~~hahahha~~

Lutfi Azhar said...

haha not weird la. best je aku tgk. hehe.
sape la kawan ko tu kan.

anyway,happy birthday my friend. too bad ko xde kat shah alam klu x da leh gi secret recipe. hehe :P

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

waaa~~ thanks luffy~~~ XD
secret recipe postpone next month blh?hehhehe~~~ aku nak oreo cheezecake~~~ waaaa~~~ LOL

Denna the Loner said...

Well, I guess we're all weird and strange one way or another and ironically, its wat makes us... normal!... Huuu...

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