~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

Dear Aaron

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Dear Aaron,
You were my dreams come true
Tall with that handsome japanese face
You soft spoken words and that cute little shy smile
You played guitar in the band
You got the brain and the looks
When you taught me on my chemistry

Our heart clicked on the first encounter
My mind was telling me that you are the one
And you told me years later that you felt the same too
The way you shyly hold my hands when i was sleeping in the bus
The way you treat me like i was special
The way you keep telling me that i am the perfect one for you

But then you go and broke my heart
Saying that you wanted more but you couldn't
Saying that our difference in religion is getting in the way
Saying that you want us to be just like this
I can't seem to move on to be just this
I want it all or nothing at all

You keep comparing other girls to me
Just to find that no one is nearly as perfect as i am to you
You keep saying that we would be an awesome match
I keep finding ways to destroy my perfect image in you
I keep finding ways to make you hate me enough not to find me again
Because i would be helpless everytime you came knocking back again

Because you were the first one that my heart have whispered to me
When i look at you for the first time
On our english camp
'he's the one. This is him'
And i never look away even when you keep breaking my heart into pieces

One day, i hope soon
I'll have another whisper in my heart telling me that i finally find the one
That someone will treat me like you always did
Like i was special
Like i was the best out there
Like no one can be compared to me
And that day, i hope your name will finally be erased forever like the rest did

But now, your name sometimes appear in the middle of my thoughts
Thinking of your tall skinny body that looks good next to me
That pretty japanese looks of yours
And how softly you would call my name
Sometimes i used to think about us
If we could have more than this
If i haven't make you hate me like this
If you were mine

But now,
All i think about is, if there will be another this
Another whisper
Another tall handsome face that would love me for me
Like you used to

0 letters of shadows:

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