That inner voice that keeps telling you
That you are not good enough
That voice that keep making you doubt
Making you feel that everything is bleak
Making you feel alone with no one to turn to
Making you feel like you're out of breath
And suffocated when you try to keep it inside
And pretend that you are okay
Some people are good at hiding it
Some people become more kind and emphatic
Coz they try to make it easier for others
And ease their burdens
Some people become more cruel and heartless
Wanting them to feel the pain that they are feeling
Wanting others to suffer as they suffers too
Some people just keep getting drown into the abyss
Especially when they don't want people to know
I've been there...
Half of my life i was good at hiding it
And pouring it own on pen and papers
And burn it out so people wont find out
How dark my thoughts are
How i yearn for death more than i ever counted
Ever since i was young
How blood is fascinating to me whenever i cut myself
Just to feel the pain externally to silenced out the internal ones
How night skies is my favourite scenery
Wishing i could fly far far away from this mundane and bleak world
And those times, those pain turns me into who i am
And i dont want others to go thru the same
I've been feeling rueful of how i live my younger days
Trying so hard to be someone perfect
Just so everyone would love me
But now, i just want to be good and happy as i am
I just want to love myself more
And do whatever bring peace to my heart
And those demons inside me?
They are my friends now
To remind me, so i will keep my head down
To remind me not to put my nose up high
Forgetting the suffering other might be going through
Sometimes those demons gets too full of themselves
And engulfing me in the darkness
But my heart is always full of hope
I believed that is my strongest weapon, hope
And i always hope that no matter how dark it is
I can still see the silver lining that will pull me through
And that is why i always try
To be someone who can help others see
The silver lining in their own misery
Hoping that, by saving them
I can save myself too
And that i lived and loved with all that i have
And leaving them remembering me
As someone who is full of hope and kindness
And not the demons that's suffocating me inside