~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

...Numerologism in the breaking of dawn...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Just playing around with some application in FB...
not sleepy due to the long nap that I took yesterday evening...*sigh* =.=||
Tomorrow will be a total vampire indeed...LOL

so, I was playing around with the application n I found the thing called Numerology Reading..
out of boringness n curiousity..I tried it..
and voila!!

Your Life Path Number is: 5
The Explorer
The number five is associated with curiosity and enthusiasm. You love to discover new things and new places. Your questions never stop. You love taking risks and hence your unpredictable nature leads you into problems at times. You are a progressive individual. You love your freedom. You have a very versatile and attractive personality.
Your Destiny Number is: 6
The number six is associated with companionship and joy. You love the idea of a perfect life with your family and friends. You are a very romantic person and believe in true love. You have a kind and caring heart. You are devoted to your near and dear ones. People close to you know that they can turn to you for help in times of trouble.
Your Soul Number is: 5
The number five is associated with curiosity and enthusiasm. You love to discover new things and new places. Your questions never stop. You love taking risks and hence your unpredictable nature leads you into problems at times. You are a progressive individual. You love your freedom. You have a very versatile and attractive personality.

Oh well...kinda fun...but most of it, I know already coz, it is me..hahaha..quite accurate..
esp with the true love thingy...
still waiting for my true prince to come and save me with his white horse...roftl

ok..enuff said...really need to try to sleep now...
Janne minna-san~ ^^,


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