~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

...Sweetest Valentine's Gift Ever!!....

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Oh well, I know Valentine's Day has passed a long time ago~~
But I just get the mood to write this down now~~

Just wanna share one sweet story that really happen just before Valentine's Day...
This story is located in Orlando, Florida...
happen to my cousin...
She's married..and have 2 sons...

 The story begin when my cousin just bought a new car for her to travel and do her housewife chores..
As she doesnt like to drive the bulky car her husband owns...LOL
Plus, easier for her to send her sons to school when her husband went travelling...
So, as she just pick the car...she told her two boys, "Sweetheart, from today on, we'll have to budget on our food and our stuffs..coz mummy doesnt have enough money as mummy needs to pay for our car.."
and they both just nod their head..
At school, the eldest son's class is making Valentine card for the valentine day occasion..and they were ask to give it to their loved ones~
And the eldest son made his handmade card and told his mum not to help him at all..
So, he just do  it on his own...
After he done his card, he asked his mum, " Mum, can I give this Valentine Card early?"
(it was just 1 day before Valentine's Day)
and his mummy said, "I dont see any trouble in it..of course you can.. so who do you intent to give it to?"
So, he showed the card to her,"It's for You"
when his mummy opened the card...a surprise was waiting for her..
In there, she found a $100 US with the card saying, "Its for you to buy our food, because I know you're paying that car for us"
For a kid that is just 8 years old, that have started saving his money and have had the thought like that for his mum is a very sweet memory I would cherish if that boy was my own son~
and I'm proud to say that boy is my nephew, Lewis Daniel...
and I missed him lot~
Such a matured young guy at his age...


8 letters of shadows:

Anonymous said...

want to comment

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

speechless as in good or bad? hehehe

norbu said...

nice story..
& your playlist is annoying...
i dont want to listen but it keep on playing..dont know where the stop button..
end up mute my laptop..*sigh*

KusukaSizuka said...

hahaha... xterbaca mek... @,@

Ms.bee said...

ofcoz la in gud.. touching eh.. klu ank sy pn cmni nti kn bes.. heaven eh~~~

Echa ssha said...

i almost cried... :')

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

@nman: well, hello, not my fault u cant pause or stop it~hahhaa

@taqi: pjg glak ka?? ;p

@suzie: best kan~~ sa pun mo anak sa mcm ni nanti~~huhuhu

@tita: i miss lewis n jason...who would've thought that he would grew up being so matured at that age kan? :D

Echa ssha said...

hehe... th last tym i saw jason, he was still a lil baby.. huhuhu.. cant wait for em to come back home...

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