~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

...the end and the starting...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Been a while

Away from all this world where I kept my fairytales dreams

Starts to get busy this few weeks
Got little time to go on9...which really irritates me
Now in my lab, class finish early, so decided to drop by a few words...

Will be writing more *hopefully*
in the near future...just not at the moment~
what with finals, assignments, tests and also 
My Convocation!!!! *yippe*

really miss my jia ren~
can't wait to see them next month~~
miss my nainai & yeye too~~

wish me luck guys~


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