~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

.....jUsT BeCauSe.....

Monday, April 12, 2010

It was the first time
she ever opened up her heart
holding on to the hand of a stranger
A stranger she barely knew
Yet she trust her heart into it

All she ever think is he's the one
She trying her best to make her fairytale come true
Yet she felt hurt day by day
And she keep lying to herself saying that
This is how it supposed to feel in the real world

She hold on with all her heart
But deep inside, her heart is slowly bleeding
She defended her first love till she can't breathe
Yet, she was unappreciated

She thought that was the end
She thought that she couldn't believe anymore
she thought that maybe fairytales don't come true
Till he came

She's been living in a fairytale world
Her euphoric world just keep getting better
Maybe there is fairytales in this world
maybe there is Prince Charming for her

Then, the truth came out
He's not the prince she thought he was
But a snake pretend to be one
Her world of fantasy comes crumbling down

She tries to forget
But sometimes,she reminisced it
Now, it feels like a dream
A nightmare from far far away

Now, she still believe in fairytales
She still believe her Prince is somewhere out there
No matter how the world treated her
She will stands her ground

Seeds of hope is in her heart
And it grows week by week
Eventhough, it was often neglected
But she still hope that it'll grow into something beautiful



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