~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~


Sunday, June 4, 2017

There's a lot of things I want to share
There's a lot of things I want to talk about
There's a lot of decision I want to make with you
There's a lot of questions I want to ask from you

But I kept it inside
Letting it died and grow mold in my heart
Letting it rot and eating me inside
Because I feel like you dont even care anymore

You're too busy with your life
Too busy to even say hi
Too busy but not for your social life
Too busy for me but not for anyone else

I was kept in the dark
I was kept not knowing where you are
Or what you are working on
I was kept aside, not to be seen
I was just collecting dust in your heart
Where I was forgotten until you feel lonely

Who am I? Nothing to you
Where do I stand? Obviously no where near you


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