~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

☼ ✿ Hell yeah!!!! ✿ ☼

Friday, October 23, 2009

Finally figured out why i was sooooooo gloooommyyyyy these few days~~~
Dem! dem! dem PMS!!!! *grrrr*

Finally, last night was the best night in this week for me! Hallelujah! I'm out in the civilizations! LOL!
Last night, well i can say that it was the last dinner that i'm going to have with my faculty...met all my previous lecturers...even though I'm sick, i force myself to go and have fun at the last night...and i don't regret it at all! *glomp*
Our batch, 'the senior' batch, was all over taking pictures of ourselves...like a bunch of kids who was having too much sugar rush..ROTFL
Well, it's going to be a sweet memory to me...♥ ♥ ♥

 A funny thing happen though...one of our lecturers, Mdm Z...she taught us for the 1 year then she went on maternity leave before furthering her studies in Shah Alam...well, she was looking for me she said... *how sweet is that, a lecturer looking for you :D*
Then she said, she ask my boyfriend about me...and i asked 'Who???'..."Your boyfriend L**"...so i said, "Oh mdm, guess u haven't heard, we broke up already..he already have a new gf..LOL"....she was shocked..funny...she said "Aie, mena?? Kmk ingat nya masih ngan ktk..apa kmk tanyaknya marek sal ktk, nya jwb owh?"...and i said, "ktk tanyak, mestila nya jwb mdm..hehehe"...and she said "kmk tyknya, sapa nama gerek ktk tek? nya sebut nama ktk...ya kmk ingat ktkduak masih.."...OMG, i feel like i want to faint..LOL...i was curious at first..but then, oh maybe he knows she is looking for me...finally someone recognize him as my bf *eventhough it's too late LOL*...bet he's happy at that time...*muahahahha*...because, most of our lecturers misunderstood and thought that my guy best friend is my bf....and they still asking about that..*sigh*....well i guess lots of people does...kinda lame actually..been going thru the same questions for like 5 years now... Best friend remains best friend...nothing more, nothing less...right??

Oh well, the funniest thing is when i went for the rest room for a while and i came back, i saw Mdm Z is heading toward my ex...and seems like she wants to ask him something bout 'us'..then i rushed there so i said "ehemm..."...Mdm Zu just laugh and said "Sik jadi jak..."...*phewww*..wonder what she wants to porret again...LOL.... I just remembered..she is very porret...too much gossip eh~~~hahaha...

Well, at least i survive the night...and having fun with my fellow classmates and lecturers...how i'm gonna miss them much!...


2 letters of shadows:

norbu said...

my fren say "most of our lecturers misunderstood and thought that my guy best friend is my bf....and they still asking about that..*sigh*....well i guess lots of people does...kinda lame actually..been going thru the same questions for like 5 years now... Best friend remains best friend...nothing more, nothing less...right??" and i thought it was funny hahaha
because he was me.. the girl best fren..
am i right?
im having that for 5years too..

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

hahhaha~~ u get that right~~ same questions keeps surrounding us~~~*sigh sigh sigh*

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