~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

✿❦ missing you ♥ ❀

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Glimpse thru the pictures of you, the pictures of us...
We used to be closed until you chose that girl
And we drift apart
I'm missing you

Then i heard that she dump you for another
Saying that long distance makes it harder
So i search back for you
To make sure that you make it thru

We became close again
I turned to you when i'm down
You cheer me up when i feel sad
I gave you confidence when you're unsure

When love has left me
You're there by my side
You help me get through the tough time
As i did to you before

We grew closer each day
We flirt and jokes to make our days better
We exchange pictures of us
We update each other for every little things

But i guess you forget to update me about your relationship status
Coz when i asked, you said that it was just rumours
She's just one of your bestfriends
And I've trusted you...

We went out and have a great time together
Even though you're tired, you still want to be by my side
Then we came back to our daily life
And the secret are out

She came to me
Angry and asking me what am i doing with you
Saying that she's your girl
I was shock but i still protect you

I try to make her see like its my fault
I try to make her to understand
I begged her not to leave you
I don't want anyone to be hurt

I try to look for you
But you dissappear
I asked you why?
But you said you don't want to talk about it

I'm dying to know up until now
I didn't push you coz i don't want to make you sad
And i walk away from you
Leaving my only hope behind

When i first saw you
I feel the atmosphere change around us
and you told me the same thing
when you first met me

I missed the moment
I missed our time
 I missed our jokes and flirts
I miss you

-naraj© 09'-

♬ ♫♪

X.O.X.O ♥

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