~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

♬♫♪ Melody in the middle of the night ♪♫♬

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Watching the stars that surrounds the moon
Never fails to shine and illuminate the sky even though the moon are away
A string that binds those two together
Making it the most beautiful piece of art

Life is never easy
I keep stumble and fall since i began my steps
Sometimes i even thought of giving up
Especially the times when i seem to lose my hopes

Drenched myself in the rain
Unable to move away to find a shelter
When the rain is finally over
I'm not the same as i am before the storm

Should have known that the papers that i hold on tight to
are bound to give me paper cuts
It'll heal
But the marks will always remains

Try to walk by the sidewalk
Thought that it'll be safer
Turns out i couldn't even walk straight on the path
Just a small temptation could lead me to the street

Sometimes i feel like i'm walking ahead
Finally making it thru another path
But sometimes i feels like i;m walking in circle
Keep coming back to the place that i started

When i feel like my world are just darkness
and no lights can break thru
Like my world just falls apart
I try hard to hold to even a single sparks of hope

I try to walk away
but my feet just won't move
I try to take a break
sometimes it just gets worse

I wonder why do i even bother trying
When i know in the end i'm gonna be the one whose dying
I put all my heart out and end up bleeding
Maybe i hope that that's how i'm gonna find him


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