~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

✿❀ You appear just like a dream to me ❀✿

Friday, October 30, 2009

It's been a while...
too busy these few days with my presentations and my report thingy
today i've finish up all the things that should be done
Done my presentation
Done my report
Done my clearance as a student
All that's left is some account work that need to be done at my work place...
Then I'll be free~~~ *stocked*

But I apply for some work at my University during the semester break...so might be busy next month~~~ ;p
Need some cash to buy some gadgets and girl stuffs~~~ *sigh*

My WishList:
  1. an external hard disk with a HUGE capacity...really HUGE...as my lappy are full of songs, anime, drama series and also movies...so i guess i need 4 different hard disk to keep them~~ *sigh*
  2. a new handphone!!!! SERIOUSLY need a new one b4 my old one ended up in ER again~~~ *touch wood* tsk tsk tsk :,(
  3. a broadband with unlimited access and fast!!!! so i can download the things that i want to all my heart content!!!!!!!
  4. heels~~~ i need new pairs~~ lots of it!!!! I want it!!!
  5. Jacket....i want more!!!
  6. Dress!!!! maxi dress!! need to get one more, atleast~~~

"Money, money money
must be funny...." *forget the lyrics* ;p

Oh well, while busy with all the presentations and report that need to be done, i've been listening to The American Mall Soundtracks a lot!
Love to listen to Nina Dobrev voice in that musical...
You can download the album from here:
The American Mall Soundtrack
Just Click on the folder named Full Album.. Enjoy! (n_n)

And also Miley's song "When I Look At You"...still addicted to that song...
I can't wait to watch "The Last Song"...which will be played on cinema next year~~~ *sigh* have to wait couple of months~~~
The movie is based on Nicholas Sparks novel, whom is also the author for "A Walk To Remember"
So much movie to be watch and i can't wait!!!!

New Moon is coming up!!!! Yeay!!!!

Urrghh~~ suddenly blur...well, i'll write down again later...when my head have something to share with you guys~~
Thanks for reading! (^^,)


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