~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

Blissfulness in craziness (040510)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

the best and craziest moment for a while

well, as all my frens know, last month and this week is our final exams~
and phew~ wat a crazy schedule we had..except for our last paper~ which is on 5th of may~
Well, we have had like 5 days to study this subject..which always seems like the scariest and killer paper for our course...
so I thought i'd make full use of these gap...but then, i was thinking of resting for a day before i start.. which I did!~ i spent my 1st day with cleaning up my room and packing up my things~
then suddenly my mum msg me that afternoon asking when is my last paper..and I told her it's on the 5th..so she said she going to KL the morrow day and ask me to join her as she will stay until 4th...without thinking, I say yes!!hahhaa
and I brought up my books and lappy with me to wait her at lcct...and her fren's sister pick us up and we stay at her fren house at D'shire village...
So naive of me to think that I could study while staying with her...we spent 2 days shopping and walking around till my feets burns~ and went back home around 10..which makes us very tired to do anything except on9~
It's funny though, the first thing we do after we arrive home. the 3 of us opens our lappy and starts on9...hahhaa..my mum with her games. my mum's fren with her fb and me with my downloading, blogging, fb-ing and ym-ing~hahhaha...
so, the 3rd day, I went back to my hostel coz my mum and her fren have some sort of cooking/baking course or smthg~~
eventhough I feel sad to leave them, but atleast I have smthg that I've been meaning to have for a while~~~
a new boot heel(how I missed my heels back home, been meaning to buy a mary jane style heel, but sadly, my size is unavailable..even my mum tease me saying that they dont have size for little kids..hey, it's not my fault my feet is size 4~~ :P), a new book (The Other Mr.Darcy, which I promised her to read only after I finish  my exams), a book on my new hobby(words puzzles), lots of choc biscuits( Mark&Spencers choc digestives cookies, macadamia choc chip cookies) and some stuff from IKEA~~~ <3
Gosh, such tragic when we enter IKEA..keep telling my mum not to buy stuff she doesn't really need~ but in the end, I can't stop her and I end up buying unnecessary stuff for myself~ LOL..(we just LOVE shopping at IKEA XD)
Oh well...it's such fun~ and the best thing is my mum just bought a pack of 10 song cds called 'The Evergreen Songbook', which I support her 100% coz there's alot of oldies song in it and with a hardcover lyricsbook...roftl~~
and her fren juz laugh at us~
The fun part is, i get to eat anything I want while I'm with them and doesn't have to worry about my budget! hahaha~~ Such heavenly days~~ XD

Now I'm counting days to go and stay a while at my aunt house in Langkawi...before my family came for my graduation~~ and I can't wait to go back home!!!!

Will be picking up my cute and lovely lil cousin on the 5th evening...she will be staying with me for a while before she went back to KK...gonna spend crazy times with her

Miss my grams, my cats, all my crazy and chaotic cousins, my home, my beautiful bestfriend, my lovely dongsaeng and that someone~~ if he missed me too~~ which I dont know if he does~~ LOL
Well, i hope he does~ and can't wait to go swimming all day long~~~ and play futsal with my siblings, go karaoke and have a crazy nite out~~~

I just can't wait!!!!

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