~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

...RaiSe yOuR hOpeFul vOiCe...

Monday, May 10, 2010

been spending time with a bunch of underwater creatures~~
and don't I just love them!!
wish I could spend the whole day in there~~~
all the beautiful creatures with their own uniqueness captivates my eyes and my soul~
But there's this one creature that I feel really sad about~
The Weedy Seadragon...

I don't know what happen to the others, coz my aunt told me that a few years ago, there are a lot of them~
now, she's alone in that tank~
and I spent quite a while looking at her
*i assume that it is a her* :D
looking into her eyes, seems like something inside me moves~
I feel sad and as if I could sense her loneliness trapped in those place without anyone to talk to or to play with...
It feels like she's just waiting for her last moment to arrive...
as if she doesn't want to care anymore
as if she lost all her hopes
as if nothing can save her
It's such a tragedy to lose a beautiful creature like that...
I wish I could somehow save her and make she feel less lonely...
I even try to talk to her..which, I dont think she heard at all~~ LOL
but, then when i looked at those eyes, it seems like it was full of sadness..and I cant help to feel deep empathy washing over me...
as I watched her moves swiftly from one end to the other...
I wish someday, she'll have friends to accompany her and lift up her spirits~
Like my friends did for me~
Thank you so much guys~~~
without all of you, my world would be empty~~


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