~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

....still just as naive....

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Oh well~~
After regret wash over me from the last post~
I reminisced back on my past, where situation like that happen to me...
well, almost the same, but with different approach~ hahhahaa

Well, after I finish Form 5, before getting into matrix, I work as a waitress at my aunt's restaurant~ a western food restaurant...
and I work at the bar section for lunch...
then, this one day...
few customer..and suddenly came a woman in suit and a guy dressed as well...
both chinese...and the guy is soooooooo hansamu eh~~ *melts*
look so charismatic and he's chinese~~ with a great smile~~
then I served their table~~
the woman seems to hate the sight of me~~hahhaha
but the guy, always smiles at me~~ so nicee~~
but then, I feel like I'm still just a kid back then, so I just smile back as a good waitress do~~hahhaa
i think they are talking about business or smthg~~
then, the woman go and paid the bill first, and the guy left behind still writing smthg...
then he wave at me to clean the table before he walk away...
Then, as usual I'll clean up the table after the customers gone..
and guess what??
He left his hp no on a tissue paper!!!
But I was totally clueless at that time, so I just gave the no to the other bartender at that time and she just throw it away~~
after a while, when I think back, I think he's giving his no to me~~
dont you think so???
clueless and also naive~~~

then yesterday,
came again another opportunity that i let go just like that!
a cute, funny, nice english guy that knows how to speak malay~~~ 
who's trying to talk n joke with me, but I just ignore it~~
*knock my own head*
Oh well, past is past~~

I guess I'm just a very CLUELESS girl when it comes to that matter~~



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