~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

~~~The aunt-sink-crow-nice syncs ein~~~

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Been playing with tweeters lately~~ kinda fun~~ plus, there's this band from San Diego called "We Shot The Moon" followed me on tweeter...so i've been looking up on their musics and it's really good!!! I like their song called "On Your Way"....

While on the way home today, in the car, suddenly something pops in my nonstop working brain...
I realized that i am very un-synchronize...or uncoordinated i guess..
  • i always talk very fast when i'm nervous or meeting new people
  • my brains think faster than me writing down the words and i end up editing the lost words that have pops in my head, which sounds really good than the edited one..LOL
  • i stuttered when i talk bcoz, as the above, my head works faster than me speaking..*sigh*
  • i still messed up my bowing because i'm too caught up in concentrating with my fingering..*cries*
  • sometimes i trip on my feet without anything to make me trip/fall...*terrified*
  • i always end up hitting something or someone when i went around...*petrified*...no wonder i have all the bruises that i didnt realize...LOL   -_-"""
 So to say...i'm a careless person...haizz~~~ *sigh*
Oh well~~


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