~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

....Fax machine going crazy~~~...+_________+

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I received fax from the bank for my boss....and the fax is a several pages of statement..but eventually, only the 1st page of every fax are printed out...the rest, just failed...
Then, another trouble arouse...the fax machine keeps beeping n display "paper jam! clear jam, then press ok"
nothing stuck or jammed anywhere..the paper dont even move lor~~ haizz~~~ Gila oredi this machine....
later i oso wen gila...lol ^_^||||
Then i saw some funny movement by the edge of my sight area...
This cat called Scarlet, she was moving ever so slowly as if she was afraid to make any sound or like she was a spy... So out of curiousity, i just watch her walk away slowly from the room that i'm working, coz she's playing with me this morning...then i caught her eyes keeps looking over to her right side, and then i saw another cat called Coco wacthing her too...
FYI, Coco is also a female cat, that have been a pet here for quite a long time, while Scarlet just being sent here two weeks ago...
Back to the walk... Scarlet keep moving that way *slowly creeping style*, but she held her body very high like she's some kind of feline queen..lol...and Coco eyes keeps staring at her...neither realize i was watching...;p
Scarlet walks her 'cat walk' and finally she get on a cushion and sit there like a queen should be..*funny*
And Coco saw Scarlet sitting down, and she rise up and walk slowly *just a normal slow* towards where Scarlet is...then Coco sits just opposite Scarlet cushion *Coco's on the floor* and keep staring at Scarlet...n Scarlet also look down n stare at Coco... i feel some vibes of fighting over who's territory it is...lol..even cats also knows  how to gila kuasa eh! 
I was like...Get Real!!! LOL...this is crazy... i wish  i had a camera with me so i can take the pics...but sadly, my hp is still in ER *isk isk isk* :,(
Anyway, i predict that they would  start the cat fight anytime now..but then, the fax machine keeps beeping n shouting about jammed paper!! S***...nothing jammmed inside baaa~~~
*bang head to the wall*
then the phone rings and the bank lady asking why can't fax, she waste a lot of time oredi, turn on the fax,blablabla...i said oredi turn on..only receive about 3 pages only..and she said "i'm faxing two more pages"....Duh! i know..the machine never stop whining n beeping oredi wat!
Then i heard the cat fight~~~ so i rush out of the room and saw the two of them having  their fur standing like they r using some 'still standing' hair gel....LOL XD
so i shooed Scarlet out of the area...hahahaa...
Finally i can rest....
There goes the fax machine again~~~
Grrrr.....feels like wanna throw the thing away owh~~*dush dush dush*
Oh hell, i guess i'll just do the new design for the drinks menu...b4 i went cuckoo..
*stress stress stress*

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