~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

....home by the sea....

Sunday, May 9, 2010

So, I've finish my finals FINALLY~~~ *ahhhh~~~*
and, on the 5th, my lovely cuzzie came...
we spent a great time together...
we went to take our pictures at iCity and spent almost the whole evening playing in Cosmo World at Times Square
and we've play the roller coaster the most~
I keep pushing her to play the roller coaster until she feel jaded with it...not like the 1st time where she feels terrified..*dont you darling? LOL*
Oh well, it's such an exciting days for us~
 *look at the petrified face of people behind us~LOL
we're able to make peace n smile for camera*

on th 8th is our flights
she went back to KK, while I'm back to Langkawi~~~ *weee~~~*
mum doesnt want me to stay at SA alone, afraid that I would go ballistic during this free period~hahaha
so, she sent me here, to my aunt~ which I'm very happy to obliged~ :D

My flight is not really a good one i guess...delayed for about an hour plus...thank God, I have my "The Other Mr Darcy" with me.
Then, I listen to my phone walkman...for the whole hours..
I try my best to isolate myself from the world~~hahahaa
 Then, finally, it's time to board, and while I was walking, there's this pakistan guy talk to me...
Asking what am i doing in langkawi? where am I from? and so on...chat with him while walking to our plane...a nice person i guess..
Then, after we arrive at the Langkawi Airport, an english guy, very cute with his guitar asking me, "Is this Jakarta?" and I said, "No, it's Langkawi, Malaysia"
and I thought i heard laughter behind me...but I ignored it
Then he said, "Oh no! really?? this is not Jakarta? because the guy just now told me that this is Jakarta"..and he said it with a very grave and petrified face..
So I said, "yeah, this is not Jakarta..you're in langkawi"..and I just laugh at him..
The suddenly he said, "Nampaknya tpaksa la saya cari duit dekat sini dgn bmain gitar ni je~" with a mischievous smile on his face..
and I was like, " You're kidding me right???"...and I laugh, he laugh~~ 
hahaha..too bad I didnt get his no...he's such a treat for a sore eye~~
what with his curly blonde hair, and his playful attitude~~and plus, he's a musician~
hopefully I'll bump into him before i went back~~ :D


4 letters of shadows:

Denna the Loner said...
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Denna the Loner said...

Owh... so sweet... Darn! U didn't even get his FB at least? What la u... I hope u bumped into him too.. Dont 4get to make the move this time! Hahaha... It'd be cute! :D

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

i noe~~~ sayangkan~~ haish~~ so rugi ooo~~ I'm sooo naive pasal hal cmni~ so, got a little lagg when it comes to this~~hahahahha
keep wishing I'd bump into him again~~hahaha

Denna the Loner said...

Yeah... I thought so... Ajie is ajie after all.. But it's soo cute.. Nganganga... Ahaks!...

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