~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

i lived

Thursday, April 16, 2020

I've been suicidal when i was a kid
Wearing long sleeves hiding my scars
Writing down my morbid thoughts
And no one ever knows

My hopeless romantic side of me
Kinda save my life
Coz i keep believing that someday
Somehow, i will be happy
And i keep on living
Thinking that if its not happy, then its not the end

Never accepted anyone in my younger days
Coz i know no one is real at that age
Everyone just want to play around
And i dont want something that wont last

Until i was in my uni 
When everyone keep saying that i was too choosy
That i will end up alone if i keep on going
So i tried... I tried real hard
Loving those that came for me
Trying to accept them as they were
To make sure that i love without regrets
But i end up in pieces at the end of the day

Now i've learned that i deserved better
And i am happy being alone
No matter what people say
Coz i wear my heart on my sleeves
And people take that for granted
All the time

I was once at the verge on knocking on death door
That two weeks of struggling
To be alive, to be well
Stucked in a hospital, 
being drained out of blood every single day
Getting high on morphine for the pain
In and out of conciousness
With strangers around you
I keep thinking of two things only
To keep living and fight to live the way i am
Or to just succumb to it and end up all the pain for good
I choose to live

So many things i still want to do
So many things i still want to experience
Even the childish things they said that i'm into
As long it makes my heart sing of happiness
And i can say that i lived

I take chances, so i wont have regrets
I make impromptu plans without any backup plans
I just go wherever the path takes me to
I did fall down and get weakened by the hardship
But the universe has its own way of reminding me
Of the beauty that still exist out there, the hope
To remind me that, i lived

Some may say i'm reckless
But i did it because i dont want to missed out on something amazing
I dont want to end up thinking the what if of that decision
I might find something beautiful along the way
Or i might stuck on something bad
But at least i can tell myself, i tried
And i lived

Hope, is my strongest weapon in me
Hope for something beautiful
Hope for love
Hope for happiness
Hope for an ever after


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