~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

the perfect imperfection

Thursday, April 16, 2020

I was ready
I was always ready
To settle down
To find the one

People around me knows
That i'm a perfect wife material
I can cooked different types of food
I am good at taking care of children
I am excellent with the elders
I can be neat and clean
I do house chores all the time
They said it was enough
And i was perfect coz i was pretty too
Coz they only see the side of me that i choose to show

But despite all that
Preparing myself since i was young for someone special
Trying to be the perfect daughter and perfect sister
My time was spent for others
To make them happy even when i'm not
To fulfilled their every request no matter how drained i am
I forgot to learn how to love myself
I forgot on how to make myself happy
I forgot that, i am more important than anyone else
And i learned that lesson the hard way

I learned self love very late in life
I was drowning in my depression
Barely keeping my head above the water
Where i prayed to God to keep me sane
When i realized i need to be selfish for once
Selfish enough for my own soul to recover
Selfish enough for me to feel loved by myself
For me to spend more time just for me
And learn to be okay with imperfection
Because, i am just human after all
And human learns from mistakes
I am showing a good example just by revealing my weakest state
To show them that, no matter how dark it seems
You can always get back up
Coz there is always a silver lining at the end of the tunnel
As long as you learn how to love yourself
And know how to save yourself
And to know that, the special one, 
should be yourself not someone else


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