~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~


Sunday, March 29, 2020

You are like a drug to me
I just can't seem to stop myself
Your non pretentious way
Your knowledge and skills
A refreshing breath of air
To someone broken like me

I decided to let this go
To stop myself from running up to you
But i find its hard to do
When you gave me that feeling
The kind of feeling how a first love supposed to feel
The kind of feeling that i have never felt before

The rush of excitement and happiness
Whenever i saw your name on my screen
Makes me feel like a stupid little girl again
The innocent times that seems lost in time

It scares me sometimes
For feeling this way
Making it hard for me to let go
Of something that have not even begin

But something about you
Its just so irresistable for me
And i dont even know what it is
But it makes me feel happy
And i'm scared to lose it


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