~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

Keeping Cool

Saturday, March 28, 2020

I'm good.
Thats what i keep telling myself
I'm cool.
Thats what i keep telling people around me
I'm okay.
Thats what i keep saying to him

It was expected. 
I keep trying to make myself believe
It wasnt that deep
To keep me stuck in the labyrinth
Its a good ending
Of an almost beginning

I try to keep it cool
Smilling and joking
Trying to make you feel at ease
Trying to make it less burden to you
Trying to make it seem like 
i'm a better and wise person
Like someone who is more mature than you
Trying to show that it doesnt affect me much
Trying to show you my cool side
Trying to remember the good feeling
Trying to memorized the beautiful day
Where you make me feel the giddiness of a young girl in love
That innocent feeling that i always wished for
Of not trying to be anything but my weird self
Enjoying the childish things that we both love
Without any judgement

I'm trying to ignore
That it was the ending
Trying to ignore that nothing is going to be
And just keep enjoying your presence next to me

Not knowing if i'm able to move on
Not knowing if i'm able to find another like you
A beautiful mind with a beautiful heart
Not realizing how precious you are
For someone with a hopeless romantic heart like me
But you are what I ever wanted if i had a choice before
You are that almost perfect someone
Someone who screams true love in everything you do
Before my view of love was distorted
But it was too late
When we cant even begin


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