~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~


Thursday, December 17, 2009

I'm stoked when i get this~
Just sooo happy!!
But then, I'm quite worried with my family reactions...
Will they let me go?
Will they let me continue?
so many questions and anxiety~~~*sigh*

then I called my okasan..
and she says, OK!
*big grin*
but the sad thing is
my oneechan says no...
I'm afraid that she will try to stop my mum from letting me go~~
*sigh sigh sigh*
plus my grandma also says that it's hard to let me go that far~
*sigh heavily*

I dont know what else to do~~


10 letters of shadows:

KusukaSizuka said...

jangan risau.. ada 5orang jejaka k jaga lak.. hahaha
TOM, TAQ, FIQ, MAN, SYANT... iboh bingong padah ngn onechan ktk..

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

I bet she only worries with my expenses over there~~ heee...

norbu said...

syant dpt jua??really??

norbu said...

im hepi 4 u..glad that i ask u 2 apply 4 degree..see? u change ur mind..haha..like i said..

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

@nman: hahaha~ stat dhnya brag~~ la la la~~ well, u noe how I loved to get multimedia, but then, so many things inside my head and outside my head telling me things~~ ngeee~ and mum stil on and on about those culinary diploma~~ haish~ tp nasib baitnya soh g juak~ hehhehe

norbu said...

im not brag..okay..hehe
masin sungguh mulut ini.trubah fikiran..
& i never thought u like mmedia that much..

norbu said...

ah, suddenly i think i always smash ur dream/fairytales..ur prince charmg hehe & watsoever
& i want to say 'im sorry'

this is not related to this post but this thing suddenly run thru my mind right now..


(& dnt forget 2 say..'you're forgiven')

Anonymous said...

pergi jak!!!
zaman tuk, degree jak gaji dip sik cukup...
hahaha... ada orang jadi bodyguard gik ya...
tambah gi kamek tuk...
the sky is the limit

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

@nman: finally~~ bok sedar ka? LOL...u're forgiven not forgotten..jaga jak ktk~~ LOL

@mar:hahahha..yalah mar, best da ada bodyguard~ tp janji xkenak buli cukup~ hahahha..lak kita kuar sma k~

norbu said...

i dont ask u 2 forget..juz forgive and trust me if i said im sorry coz i mean it but..i dont stop bothering hahaha

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