~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

...walking in their shoes...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

this morning..as i opened my lappy and trying to figure out the broken links in my work
suddenly a ym chat window pop-up
and it was from one of my lecturers
Mr. A.S
asking what degree course did I get
and what I'm doing now...
So i told him, I;m still working in this library till 24th..
and he ask if it's ok for me to go out to have breakfast before lunch hour..
and as usual, of course I said ok... Even Miss A.E always kidnapped us from work...
so, we went out for brunch I might say..
and we talk about students that he used to teach and about what should we be expecting in Shah Alam...
he also give a very good info for me
which is for our students who didn't get any dorm, he advised that we rent from the flats behind the campus back gate..which are more cheaper...
and the good news is he said that, mostly female students will get dorm for the 1st semester...
but for male students, hardly had any chances..

So, while we ate, we talk...and he was talking about two of his students that's going to be in my class too next year...he said that their character are good and very independent..
and that type of people is very good to work with..even though they are quite slow to pick up the pace..
but once they get it, it will be a smooth ride~
Most of lecturers in other course are quite free I might say..but not in my course..
they are very busy..
Even while waiting for out order to come
Mr A.S was talking while leafing through all of his mail and stuffs..
and he said that he's still busy even until the new student came in...
and he said that maybe for the next sem, our part 1 junior is much more fewer than before...
so, as we talk about what did he do during the induction training..
he said that lots of people doesn't believe when he said that he's married..
*why, of course no one believe sir, you look young n so charismatic..Bet lots of girls are heartbroken when you rejected them*

oh well...the thing is..as I listen to him..i realized that what we seen is not exactly what happen...
*only for those dedicated lecturers i mean*
I mean, when we see our lecturer coming to class and start teaching..
we never thought for a moment, what did they prepared before teaching us...
did they just come and teach and being good at it?
did they just naturally being good at teaching?
are they in a good mood for teaching us?
why are they teach us differently?
all those stuffs...
and today I realized that, a dedicated lecturer will spend their time to get to know their students
and they will try to see the potential and character in them...
and as Mr.A.S said, he teach his student according to their characters...
and for the classes that have the same characters, it is easier for them to handle..
but like my batch..as he said..there are lots of different characters that we portray...
I try to see and feel in his point of view...
and I must say, it is difficult to handle our batch as I will be confuse on how to approach my students with that many characters...
but as he said, it is interesting to watch and learn from them...

and I know lately, my lecturers is knowing more of me than they had before..
in a much leisure way... (n_n)
and Mr A.S is very curious on why I'm still single...LOL
he thought that I was playing hard to get..
LOL...I wish~ XD

well, I never ask him, what kind of character did I portray...
Hoping it was a good one...*grin*

All I know is, I'm blessed to have those kind of lecturers who are really dedicated and care about their students...not like other faculties...
I'm very much grateful to them for me to be where I am right now


2 letters of shadows:

KusukaSizuka said...

i miss Sir A.S 2... never get a chance to play basketball with him T,T

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

i noe~~~ he's great ain't he? :D
hope to see him again in future~ (n_n)

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