~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

....opening up a new package of christmas present...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

nah~~ not talking about christmas actually..
but anyway
Merry Christmas to all of those that celebrate it!

Due to lack of anything to do and no one to talk to or to ym to...
I've been filling in posts in both of my blogs...
not that no one is on my ym, it's just that I'm afraid that they are doing works and I dont want to bother them...

so i've been blogwalking the blog that I've been following...
two of my favorite are:

whenever I read those blog..I feel like I was surrounded by a positive energy...
It's full of love and optimism..
No matter what you feel, positive vibe will reach you through their words...
and you can really relate as they are viewing from the daily routine of our life...
It's the same routine, the same habit, just being viewed from a different and positive perspectives...
It can be said that they are giving us the positive psychology without we realize it...

From what I've searched throughout the net, [wikipedia]
Positive psychology is a  branch of psychology that "studies the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive". Positive psychologists seek "to find and nurture genius and talent", and "to make normal life more fulfilling" not simply to treat mental illness.

So in other word, it's a psychology that help human to live more happily and fulfilling...
If being observe, most people doesn't know a true life virtue anymore...
Kindness are being exploits
Appreciations are being misunderstood
Curiosity are being misplaced
Leadership are being overused
Hope are being label as foolishness
Humor is being label as stupidity
Love is being played around
Gratitude is often being ignored
It's been forgotten especially for the younger generations...
It's sad to watch them degrade themselves that way...
All they care about is being cool...
Which are so not cool esp when they are being arrogant and stupid...
They can't blame anyone but themselves...but all they do is blaming others for their misfortunes in life...

I'm hoping that this positive psychology will reach them and make them want to be a better person...


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