~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Been a while...

I'm not sure what I want to write down actually~
too many stuff is in my head right now~
it feels so heavy that i feel the need to spill some of it before I went nuts~

but the thing is, I dont know where to start~~
*sigh* =.=||||

Oh well, lets just say that it involve relationship between friends...
involve money...
involve on my perspective of people I just met...
involve around the people that have the tendency to capture my eyes... ;p (juz me being me i guess)
all in all...all i can say is, I really need the time to get out and let loose for a while~
which, hopefully my plan works...that we're going to climb some hills and watch the sunrise this weekend!!!!!!
cant wait!!!!!!!

Please oh please~~ I wish this plan went well...and we have fun before we work our arse out to do all the stuff we need to get the grades that we dreamed of~~~ :D


2 letters of shadows:

Denna the Loner said...

Climb some hills???? NAK EKOT!!!! Hahahuuuuuu~... Anyway.. I hope ur fine, don't supress too much yeah, sometimes we need to let loose... :)

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

hahaha~~ lak kita plan kita2 jak k Dee~~~ thanks btw~~~ will try to let loose n not think too much~~ :D

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