~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

got both feet in...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hey I just met you but this is crazy...

yaa...the song keeps ringing in my head when i see him..
hmm..i'm guessing its possible, due to the catchy tune and the funny videoclip,
though i hope he's not gay like the one in the clip..lol

i don't know how he is in real life...
he looks very adorable and awkward when you see him...
but when you chat or text with him, he sounds funny and have deep thoughts...

maybe because he was born a lil later than me,
so I keep having these thoughts of wanting to know him and protecting him..
and the cute face makes me feel that way too..hehe XP

he have these kind of face that makes you say adorable...
cute and childlike...and the way he walks...just cute!hahaha..
he's always being nice to me...well maybe he thinks that i'm lonely in that place...
lonely? not really..but bored when i have no task to do yeah...hehe
plus, he's funny and its nice chatting with him...and quite a teaser himself...

maybe i shouldn't play teasing with him...coz I'm not a teaser and I end up saying sincere and honest words while others thinks I'm teasing~ =.=

though most of the times i think i'm annoying him...lol
but still, I can't stop myself from looking for him...
like my own brand of drugs...lol...very bad for me but still can't resist the temptations.. *die*

the innocence that glows within him...
attracts me from the first sight..
like how a moth is attracted to light..
that's how I feel when I see him...
and to see his name appear on my phone or even my chatbox...
makes me smile without any solid reason...
huh..i guess I am getting deranged~ hoh my~~ 0.0


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