~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

thoughts...in case...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

i'm the kind of girl who loves to do things spontaneously
i'm the kind of girl who loves to live in the moment
i'm the kind of girl who loves unconditionally
i'm the kind of girl whose head keep running overtime thinking
i'm the kind of girl who are clumsy enough to drop things or myself
i'm the kind of girl who gets a full phrase of poems-like words in a minute, but forgot all of it the next minute
i'm the kind of girl who loves to write my thoughts ever since i'm a lil kid
i'm the kind of girl that needs someone to remind myself who i really am
i'm the kind of girl who needs someone to protect her from herself coz she keeps getting into her own mess
i'm the kind of girl who needs to read and write her own thoughts to remember how she used to be
i'm the kind of girl who wear her heart on her sleeves and end up broken
i'm the kind of girl that my bestfriend would say as 'stupid' for thinking of others instead of myself
and to know who i really am...i need to keep writing it down
and read it incase i got lost and doesnt remember who am i before
to find a solid ground to step on when my worlds are falling apart
to make sure that i'm still alive to experienced all the emotion a human could feel
to know what pain, hurt, love, happiness and all the other emotions has built me into
to know that i am blessed for living this long to know the beautiful world and the beautiful people in it
to experienced love, betrayal, hatred, friendship...

i can be hateful and revengeful sometimes
but being an altruistic, i never get far with those feelings
coz in the end i would forgive...

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