~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

If i wasnt meant to fly, i wouldnt have this wings~~~<3

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Been asking for lots of opinion about me retiring from my study and job for a while~~~
I was thinking that i want to take a 6months to 1 year of holiday by traveling across the country starting with Florida...been getting a lot of feedback...and most of it agree with my decision while i'm still young and not attach to any commitment in my life yet..but i'm still considering this idea as i need to save up most of my salary now to spend it abroad..as my ticket fares will be cover up by my big sis in Florida... She's my big supporter as she has been asking for me to come down there since like almost 3 years a go...but then i'm commited with my studies and couldnt go...so as i will be graduating in Jun 2010, i'm thinking of spending half of my 2010 by having holiday in florida and travel all the states that i could go there as my lodging will be free and all i need is just money to spend on my stuffs and foods... I'm thinking of going by July 2010... I keep listening when people say that i'm still young and all, and that i have a tons of time in my hands now...My mum wants me to continue study in other field than what i'm taking now, and my grams keep telling me to find a job first! I'm so mixed up inside and honestly i dont know what exactly that i want anymore...i keep wanting to please people in my life and most of the time, what i've been doing is satisfying other peoples' need than mine...so i'm thinking, why dont i go away for a while and spend sometime on my own to think clearly about what i want to do exactly without any interruption and i might as well gain some experience in other countries than mine...

So, peeps, any opinion for me? I'm still looking forward to hear more opinion before i decided if i want to go for real or not...
*but deep inside, i really do...just want to consider the pro's n cons*

Thats all for today...looking forward to hear any suggestions~~

7 letters of shadows:

Miss Rebel said...

Seriously babe, u shud go..if i were u..ill go..u see chances are hard to get =)..if u let go this,maybe in ur future u'll regret it..

just listen to ur heart..after all u have ur cousin who want to help u to fulfill ur dreams..and ur doing it for a year only aite..just go..for once in ur life feed urself with wht u want..we will support u here =)

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

thanks a lot k.eja~~~ really appreciate ur support~~~ I will consider this seriously before i decide...but half of my heart has decided to go oredi~~~hehehe

norbu said...

da byk consideration pelu dbuat skrg tok...

1stly ekonomi...
iboh lupa...
duit sng mok abis p susah mo dpt...

even kkpun tgh consider mok smbg stdy or keja...
lps knk praktikal cmtok...bok tpikir mok keja...


"i keep wanting to please people in my life and most of the time, what i've been doing is satisfying other peoples' need than mine..."

hehe...part tok xsuma btul...
even kta satisfy org pun needs, salu nya benda baik akn blaku lps ya...

um, "so i'm thinking, why dont i go away for a while and spend sometime on my own to think clearly about what i want to do exactly without any interruption and i might as well gain some experience in other countries than mine..."

oi...pelu ka mo pikir jauh2?
1. u'll use up a lot of money (which u can spend it 'wisely' here)

2. ur family still need u..support n love is all that we need hahaha

3. what is ur aim 2 b there? (i know travelling sounds good n intriguing.. plus i want 2 go there too hehehe..)

4. if that is ur dream, maybe u need 2 get up for a little time 2 get 2 c what is happening around u..u'll c...

5. a gud experience is coming ur way...
grab it or let it go...
pelu tau la bla mo ambik or bla x...

byk gk mok dpdh p klak la live n real..
wkt klas gtar...

cedera fan said...

fikir byk2....
if i wasnt meant to think,i wouldnt have this head....hehe

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

nman: thanks for the insight though..esok kita sambung k~~

cedera fan: lam proses memikir bena2 tok~~~ n tgh kumpul duit byk2~~~hehehe

janicenice said...

well as for me i just have to say ' do what u think whats the best for u and something that u wont regret,dont listen to ppl but just u'
well ppl said only u know whats the best for u coz u know urself more than anyone else does..and no one can tell u what to do..BUT U

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

janice: thanks a lot sis... i noe a lot of people may think that what i think is stupid and impossible..but i want to make it happen and i'll try... I just want to spread my wings as far as i could before i'm tied up with commitments~~~

p/s: looking forward to hear more opinion, -ve or +ve is accepted...(n_n)

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