~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

I'm speechless~~~

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Yesterday is a day full of exciting n happy moments for me...

Well, starts with my violin class... I enroll in a new music school yesterday and the register lady said, "dont worry, ur teacher is still young as you and he's very handsome"..i was just,"oh, really~~ ok"...then i heard the sound of a piano being played from upstairs, and the lady said, thats my teacher playing..he's very good in piano too...i was like, Wow! great! coz i love piano too... then, he came down to meet me..n the lady introduce us, "this is your teacher, u can call him teacher yong..handsome right?"
He's cool~~ nice and handsome!!!~~~ but he's younger than me around 3 years..hahaha..*sigh*

Then after finish that class, i went to guitar class and having a great time playing that instrument and learn new stuff about guitar~~~

Then, i went out with my girlfriend and we r having a blast!!! hahaha...actually its quite funny for us because we feel like we are the tourist as we're not sure where to go because usually we went around town in cars, but yesterday we are walking all the way~~
Quite tiring but fun~~~

Well,guess that's all for today~~

2 letters of shadows:

Ms.bee said...

erm, jln kaki mang agik bes dr nek keta..
tp klu jauh2 2 bek nek keta laa..
lg 1, sifu ko 2 yg dlm fb 2 kn..??

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

tp memang bes la kalo jln kaki suzie~~~ skali skala~~~ rasa mcm pelancong pla masa tu..hehehe

a'ah, ada dlm fb sa, ko ada tinguk ka??hehehe..hensem kan?? sesuai utk ko, sama2 muda ni..hehehe

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