~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

Wishing Upon The Star~~~ <3

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I wish upon the star tonight
The star that's shines out so bright
I wish i may, I wish i might
Have all the lovely things i have in sight

How i wish that my spell would work~~~hahahaha...*sigh*

We humans, juz never get enough of the things that we had...<---that's what people always said... But do they realize, if we, humans, doesnt feel that way, how in the world would people sell the things that they made?? *ring a bell??* In my opinion, we always craved for the things that we doesnt have is because, we ourselves keep producing more and more stuffs that seem to be more and more attractive than the one that we used to have...the attraction and the brand or juz the feeling of having new things in our life always gets in the way of our logical thinking... We keep begging for more and more and more stuffs in our life... I know i do...maybe some people think that they can resist the temptation of having new clothes or perfumes, or gadgets, or make-up or things like that, but do they realize, sometimes they cant resist the temptation that they get when it came to food...new menu, new food, new recipes..they just have to had it atleast once right? So, in other word, no human can run from the feelings of wanting or having new things in their life...<---including me, espcially me... I dont know why, never had the feeling of wanting badly some dresses or clothes...but lately, i am dying to have a proper dress and skirt and blouse...huhuhu T.T~~ i want one~~~ And i've been looking, since like forever for a Mary-jane heels..but cant find it anywhere in town...*wail!!!* TTwTT

That's all for today..<-- all about girls stuff for now~~ XD


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