~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

Straying From Life~~~

Monday, July 6, 2009

I dont know why...but lately esp today, i started thinking about what should i do in my life as my career... i noe that i want a job that can give me money but at the same time i'm enjoying doing it as my career not just for the sake of money only... At first, i think that the career that i would love most is something that has to do with arts or anything with artistic value such as, designing, advertising, animating, music perhaps or something in those fields...but then, i realize that i'm not creative enough to be in that position of work...i'm scared that i would be numb and dumb... now i was given a choice, whether to continue in multimediaon my own)after a 1 year break, or get under a sponsorship to study culinary with a 3 years contract~~~ i soooo torn up right now...its like, i'm suddenly not sure what i want anymore...i love both but i'm not sure if either suit me or not...will i be happy with either??? What should i doooo????? Please show me the light and dont let me stray too far~~~
X.O.X.O <3

1 letters of shadows:

norbu said...

both sound good 2 me....

it is d time 2 make choices...

remember "the road not taken"...

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