~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~


Sunday, April 17, 2011

curiosity? oh it is good...but it also can kill...
but now, it only cause me lots and lots of annoyance!!!
what would you feel when, one day..out of the blue, some unknown number called you but they didnt speak a word? and you feel stupid talking to the empty phone until they hang up on you...
aahh~ maybe some would say, I should be flattered coz maybe some admire are flirting with me...

one thing to be straight, I dont play games in this LOVE department...
and I hate people playing tricks or hide-and-seek with me!
sorry, I'm not that kind of girl..if you planned to play around, go find someone else...
and I don't take relationship easily...I only go for the serious type or long term type...so, anyone that wants to dump me as soon as you guys had enough of me, you are sooo in my BLACK LIST now...
poach my heart and I'll let you die slowly... muahahahaha~ *evil laugh*

I'll wallow, I'll be sad...and that's because those feelings are my muse...but that doesn't mean that I really can't get over it...I'm sooooo over it the day you start feeding me your LIES...

to the number owner, seems like you've known me...and you should be thankful that I dont have any credit to give you a piece of me that you'll regret...tell me the truth and you'll be spared...
Just stop this annoying thingy ok!!! I need peace not some curiosity that'll cause me annoyance...better hurry before it's too late...I may forgive, but you may be ignored...
thank you for listening...


xoxo ♥

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