~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~


Friday, October 5, 2012

here i am again
standing and strolling by the riverside
with a belief that I'm strong enough
strong enough to denied the temptation

the water's calling
the current is soothing
it makes my heart race
dying to jump into it again

I thought I was strong
to just looking at it by the riverside
but I guess I was wrong
as I feel myself slowly walking towards the edge

I hesitate, and I stopped
but I can't help myself from jumping
now I find myself sinking deep
slowly drowning

the water looked calm and tantalizing
but now that I'm inside
I can feel myself gasping for air
I need the surface to keep my head clear

I don't know how to survive this time around
Coz I've jumped too far ahead
With no hands or branch for me to hold on to
All I can do is to pray that I am strong enough

Strong enough to save myself
Strong enough to swim myself to the riverside
And decided not to look back ever again
Coz something told me to run

-Jonker Street, Melaka-


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