~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

.....CuPiD's FlYinG aRoUnD....

Friday, September 11, 2009

 I just love Yuna Ito's songs....especially the songs that she sings for NANA the movie..where she act as Reira from Trapnest...
It's been a while i didnt listen to her songs..the one from her album...this one is the one that i particularly like most...suitable for wedding song~~~(n_n)
 Hope u guys enjoy it too...
Yuna Ito - Precious
The lyrics translation:
On the day I couldn’t see
my heart I felt insecure
The meaning of loving somebody
it’s something I decide myself
truth can be found in everything

I promise you, I won’t wander off anymore
I’ll be strong...and prove myself to you
I won’t run away, I’ll turn around to face you
so I can see how you feel, to heart

*I will believe
so the two of us can be together in love
In order for my wish to reach the sky
I will look for you, and pray for the two of us
A pair of thoughts, now they can come
together and from a whole
Your precious love

When pain or bitterness pulls us
apart, we can hold each other
We’re no longer alone,
because everything is answered by true love

I will believe
so the two of us can be together in love
I’ll hold your hand forever, don’t let
go, let’s make a promise, the two of us
A pair of thoughts, now they can come
together and from a whole
Just the two of us

I believe that right now we can
strengthen this young and complacent love
There can be truth
A new beginning
I want to be one with you

I will believe
that we can come together
right now, right here, and love each other
So in order to light your light fill me
I hug you tightly


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