~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

~~~MOndAy, BlOoDy MoNdAy~~~

Monday, September 7, 2009

As usual...it's monday..didnt feel mush like doing any coding to my system~~~ *sigh*
Suddenly feels like writing down much of my thoughts that keep coming... I didnt get a good night sleep, thanks to my thoughts..feeling restless and my mind keeps working and thinking all sorts of things..some of it i wrote down in my notebook that i always kept with me..some i just wrote up in here...to share what my silly head been up to~~ hahahaaa...*sigh again*

A picture of silhouette taken by me...still need improvement though... just love taking others pics..but not my own pic..hahahaaa~~ coz i know i'm ugly n getting uglier...well, hoepfully my innerself is beautiful..hahahhaa..silly me!( ^^,)

Always dream to get one of those gadgets...A DSLR of my own!!!! *kiiyyyyaaaaaa*
hayaku hayaku!!! come to me!!!
Well, i dont know what exactly that kept me awake all night last night...didnt sleep a wink..and didnt feel tired or sleepy at all this morning..which is weird...but i guess, mayb it got to do with me sleeping for almost 12hours the other day!!!!*such heaven* hahahahhahahaaa~~~ 
I was shocked to find that it's almost 2pm when i woke up...dont know what got into me..thankfully i've done all my chores already..so i woke up n took my bath n practice my violin...then when i get tired, i watch some japanese drama that i've kept in my laptop, which i never watch..hahaha...funny me~~
Last Sunday is such heaven for me! Wonder wen will i ever got the chance like that...but then, it's bad for my health..coz i cant sleep last nite!!!!!...I didnt even get my 8 hours sleep!! *as if i ever get one on weekdays..hah!*....OMG! sounds like i'm bragging alot bout my sleep~~~ well, heck! it's bcoz i dont get my beauty sleep at all!!! and i can't even remember what i've been thinking last night~~~*ssiiiigggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh* -.-||||
Oh well,
I dont know what i want to think anymore...
sorry that this post is full of crap which came from my crappy mind that wont let me get my sleep at nite! What a crap! lol XD
*guess i'm losing my mind for not sleeping well...^_^|||||*

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