~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

Erida is hanging in the air~~~ I could almost taste it~~

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

When it comes to money and work, i'm sure everyone would get tense right? Well, so do i..esp today! 
It's full of s**t!!!
I've been doing all the works that i'm not suppose to do..that are not what i came here for...atleast show some appreciations to what i did... I've told clearly of what i'm supposed to do when i came here, but still, you give my suppose project to others without consulting me! 
heck! I feel like being used!
Last week, u told me that the arrangement is ok, n you wouldnt mind, yet today, u said the other way round...keep twisting and turning... 
So sick n tired of it already...
Always keep doing what you want and making me feel guilty...
Since i've had a cracking headache since this morning, my temper are not in a good place right now... 
Sometimes i wish i could stop and run away...
Coz all that i do is nothing to do with what i'm supposed to do and it's very frustrating....
Kiraaiiiiiiii!!!! >.<
I feel like bleeding myself out....hahaha..wonder how that feels...geezz..
now i'm being morbid...
Wish i could just set off to another new and more comfortable workplace... :(

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