~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

WhaT iF???

Monday, September 14, 2009

Blue monday~~~ as usual....-___-............
In my hour of weakness, where i would fall for someone...i beginning to lost my logical thinking...all that fills my head is sparks of hope..that could come from just a single gesture that could mean nothing to me if i'm not infatuated with that particular person...^.^"""
I hate feeling that way eventhough sometimes it feels sublime...*sigh*
It's not that i don't want to feel it, but i feel helpless when i do...and reasons will be nothing and advice are meaningless to me...no matter what people say, i still hold on to my hopes... and i would like it if that person feels the same too...hahaha... oh well, past is past....
Thank God i have so many things around me that keep me busy and distracted...and i manage to delete you~~~ lol XP
I dont know when or who.....but no matter what people keep saying about what i believe...i'm still hoping to find my prince charming...and live happily ever after...LOL....keep dreaming on.... if i could find someone like Jacob Black, who always be there for me, keep making me laugh n smile, be my sunshine, mend my broken heart*juz a figure of speech*, fight for me, keeping me warm and safe, making me his top priority, like me the best eventhough i'm a mess, make me feel like i'm beautiful, make me feel like he couldn't live without me, understands what i'm feeling eventhough i didnt say a word, even when everything falls apart he still holding on to me.....*sigh again*
Guess it's too much to ask sometimes....hahhahaaa....
*knock head against the wall*....too absorb in Eclipse...^_^||||
I know it's inpossible to find love that didnt hurt or make u crawling in the dirt....no matter what, there will always be another element that will make it hard for u...
But still, i will keep wishing that there will be someone like Jake for me someday....hahaha..me and my silly head....just can't stop wishing....(n_n) *here we go again...roll eyes* @_@

2 letters of shadows:

Alexandra Malfoy said...

huhuhu...me want Jacob Black too.....

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

i noe~~~ lets go find for ourselves~~~hehehe

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