~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

........SeNsEs wOrKinG oVeRtiMe.......

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"Love, is like the wind...u can't see it, but u can feel it"
-Landon Carter-(Nicholas Sparks)

Sometimes, most of the times actually, when i meet new people, i can feel some kind of aura or vibes from them...it's either good or bad...
But sometimes, i dont feel anything at all....
Like my 1st ever violin teacher, when i first met him, i kind of feel ill at ease...smthg's telling me that i'm not going to enjoy or ever being comfortable around him...which turns out true...:p
My friends, some of them that i'm really attached to, definitely have  a good vibes in them when i first know them...
but some of them doesnt gives any vibes at all...which sometimes turns out to be a good friend, sometimes not...
Everytime i step into a new environment or places, if i feel comfortable and can act the usual me...lots of questions and curiousity that comes from me, thats mean i feel a positive vibes from the people around...
But if i just kept to myself all the time, and doesnt really mix around...thats mean i either get a negative vibes or just plain nothing...
I really dont know how it works, sometimes i wonder it myself...am i going insane? or am i too sensitive?

I'm not the kind of person who judge people by the way they look...i prefer looking at their attitude n the vibes that they gave me... If it's not a good vibe, i prefer to stay away...if it's a good vibe, i'll try to be close...coz i love being around the positive energy (n_n)
Esp from one of my friend, Dee...(^^,)
*yes dee, it's you*
she gave me a very strong positive vibes..feels like a bright sunshine when she's around..i enjoy being around her...(n_n)

Most positive vibes i felt is quite dim and sometimes, it can change with the persons' mood at that time too...
I guess, i am being too sensitive...lol +___+

I wish how my over sensitive sense would work in the love department...so i can save myself from heartbreak...LOL XD

5 letters of shadows:

Dee said...
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Dee said...

Whaaaa!!! Me??????? Huuuu... Aziey.... so flattering loh... Didnt know I cud have such effect on people. I hope it is good loh.. Huu... I guess I just want to practise optimism to the maximum. Dat's y I love NIKE = "Just Do It!"... There are times when I'm down too but I wont the morbidity to stay 4 2 long... Huuu.. Thank you Aziey... Very flattered liaw... Huuuhuuu... But I wonder... What vibe did I gave u when u 1st met me leh?

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

when first met ah?? hmm..i guess it's at ur class building right? when i was suppose to jaga u guys to clean up..hehehe...when u didnt talk, i was like.."she looks so serious ooo"...but when u start to talk n being friendly, "wow, she's not bad at all"...n i even awed by u when i realize u play flute...hehehe...*tabik spring!!* (n_n)

Dee said...

wahh... dat was so long ago... dont remember nemore... huu...lgpon dat time was my "rebellious period"... Most of the time jd samseng in school nia, sampai cikgu2 naik bengong with me, always kena psycho and counselling ... haaahaaa.. I only remember when I was ur commander, 1st brass band meeting in UiTM! Haha! I was thinking "This girl looks familiar"... huuu...

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

hahahah~~ really??? Wen i saw u during that Brassband meeting..i was like "hey, it's denna...wonder if she's still remember me"..hehehe..then u r so garang, i was like.."uh oh..didnt know she could b so serious oooo"...;p

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