~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

........Threw Away & Run!!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Bugger...i dont even know why i wrote that title..hahaha...
i seriously need more sleep nowadays...but sadly, i'm having restless night 2 days in a row..which really suck! *nasib dh mlm, lom posa gik* :D
Pimples are building their kingdom on my face already~~~ S**T
I need facial treatment~~~ bring me to one~~~~ TTwTT......

Oh well, decided to trim my hair tomorrow..been a while i didnt trim it...split ends are getting worse and my hair feels dead to me!!hahaha....
I'm thinking of cutting it a little then ask the hairdresser to make my hair thinner n maybe curl just the end?
But then, my grandma keep saying..."dont cut ur hair,so long already, dont cut it, sayang lor"
my aunt also..."dont cut ur hair n dont tie it..let it down..it's beautiful,like Catherine Zeta-jones's hair"..<---- errr...so not!hahaha..makes me keeps tying up my hair nowadays...

my sister..."dont cut ur hair la...just straighten it..."...<---i hate straight hair that looks fake,thats why i never did it....prefer curly~~(n_n)
my mum..."dont cut ur hair, later b4 raya, u can curl it...urself"...<---mum, i would love if others do it for me, coz i cant see my hair from the back~~ @_@

So, mostly people told me not to cut my hair~~~hahaha...somehow...i dont know why, it's just how my mind works i guess...the more people me not to, the more i want to do it~~~ i even thought of cutting it very short n layered,then gave it a soft curl...hahahhaaa....

But then, i dont think i have time to do that..so i guess, tomorrow i'll just end up trimming just a lil bit of my hair..n mayb give a lil fringe...usually i do it myself...just once, i want to see how will it looks like when a hairdresser do it properly...hehhee...

geezz....seriously, i needd to sleeppp..tomorrow going to wake up at 4am, then never get a chance to sleep again...need to go buy the ingredients for my cake b4 going to work...mum is taking holiday to bring me to buy those stuff, coz it's her friends who ordered those cake, n the lest she can do is help me to drive me to buy things i need...hehehe...btw..thanks mum!

I'm trying to figure out why i cant sleep...
.....................................*a moment of silence*.............................
Oh heck, no use liaw~~~ i think i'll get some books to read, maybe i'll get sleepy by then....
*but usually, i would keep reading until finish*
+_+|||||||....haish! *sigh*

dont know what else to do....i'm turning back into a vampire i guess....LOL XD
but why now???????
Oooooo..there goes my beauty schleepppp~~~*fly out the window*

maybe i need lullaby!!!! *ding*
or maybe not....^_^"""

guess, i'll just go get my book then....*finally*
Oyasuminasai Minnasan~~~(n_n)


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