~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

...haven't met you yet...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

as the fair one climbs thru the pit, she finally found the forest floor...
and she finds herself founds nothing except for the mist that surrounding the forest...
she keeps walking her way into the foggy dark forest...to find the sunlight that she have been searching for...
on her way, she keeps stumbling and falling down on her face as she keeps dragging her tired feet and her sore heart...
but she never give up on her hopes that she will find what she was looking for...
she believes that someday, somehow..she will find it...
with those belief, she find the strength to keep on the journey that seems like no end...

one step after another...falling down and getting back up...
after a while, people will said that she learned how to walk without stumbling anymore in that forest, but eventhough she keeps trying to avoid all those stones and tree roots, eventually she will fall again...it's something that she can't help...
If she could have her way, she will keep walking straight without stumbling or falling on her face until she found what she was looking for...
But unfortunately, her life seems to be tested all the way thru her journey...
Sometimes, she felt like giving up...she felt like she's crippled...
She feels like she couldn't live without the sunlight...she felt like she'd die before she found it...

But when she heard the sound of the singing birds above the dark forest, she knew, that somehow, what she was looking for is there...just waiting to be discover by her...

*suddenly pops in my head n i cant stop writing..:D*


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