~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

...No sir,well i dont wanna be the blame, not anymore~~~

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Morning peeps!!!
hope all of u are in great shape today~~ too bad i can't say the same about myself... been coughing and my throat is very sore...n i keep sneezing, and thanks to my sinus *sarcastic tone*, it's getting worse!!!!

All things leads to another...my symptoms start when i walk in the rain and forgot to wash my hair that night...and i sleep late 2 days in a row..due to helping out my mum decorate the cake she wants to display today..my hands and arms all are stiff from mixing the royal icing...*sigh*...then my sinus are getting worse..keep sneezing all day...and the sore throat came in later...i bet if i dont get well by tomorrow, my voice will be different..maybe i can try to sing rock songs..what with the husky voice i'll be having~~ hahaha..;p

Ok, yesterday i was filling in my practical log book..since before raya i didnt write down anything!! hah!! and thanks to my almost-daily-blogging, i can recapture the things that i've been doing on those dates..hahahhaa..thank god i write evrything in... oh,well...been doing my new system again yesterday, then designing *again* the poster for halloween party for the school..i redesign it twice..coz, one boss said," i want i in A4 size horizontally" ..and the other boss, "i like the old one that u make, just add the sponsors and the contact no..and change some of the colours"... well, thankfully i didnt delete the layers that they ask to erase before...i just hide the layers..so all i have to do is just readjusting the wording again~~~ *sigh*...oh well, i dont mind doing it..coz i love doing the designing thingy...

Actually, i'm quite nervous this week, coz my lecturer suppose to come and see what i'm doing so far... and i dont know what are they expect to see...*sigh sigh sigh*

Oh well, will continue later on..i need to drink! my throat feels so dry! I can taste blood! urghh!!!


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