~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

~~~sync-ink mai ha-art ow-ttt~~~

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I listen to the songs
My heart sings along
I wish that i could belong
To someone that i have longed

Making it rhyme is not my intention
It just pops out in every direction
Like what i like to do with my caption
Sometimes i wish i could make it into action

Sitting on my bed, with the lyrics in my head
A wishful thinking that turns into a sweet dreams
Sometimes i feel like i don't want to wake up
Coz all the happiness that i feel traps inside

I keep searching, looking, wishing
For a charming prince to finally found me
But  all that's left is just a dream
I don't want to give up hoping

People keeps telling me that it's impossible
To find a true love in this modern world
But i will keep on fighting to find you
The one whom my soul belongs to

Maybe i sound pathetics, maybe i sound delirious
I dont need people to keep telling me
What's wrong, and what's right
Because i will keep on trying and loving with all my heart


2 letters of shadows:

Dee said...

Is this yours? Nice... Haha... Very Aziey-ish... huuu... miss u.. miss sarawak, especially the library...

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

yup~~ that's me..all originally mine..from my hopeless romantic head!hahahaha...aziey-ish eh? hahaha..thanks D! ;D

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