~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

~~~WhAt HuRts tHe MoSt~~~

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Who ever said that what we doesnt know wouldnt hurt us, surely never been through those situations or he/she is just being ignorance...

As for me, a curiosity-freak, i will always get curious and i want to know everything that i want to satisfy myself... I hate feeling that i couldnt get what i want to know just because that person/people refuse to tell me the truth....

Trust is to be earned not give...

For me, i'd rather hear the heart-breaking truth and move on than sitting around waiting like a fool and feel hurt everytime i heard stories about it... Waiting and being clueless is much more worse the feeling than being hurt by the ugly truth...

Oh yeah..so that's it... I'm rambling about the truth thingy because i kinda have been in the same shoes with Elena tonight... just finish watching the latest episode of vampire diaries..Ep 5

Esp for Alicia, try this link:
The Vampire Diaries S0105 part1
The Vampire Diaries S0105 part2
to combine those file, try to use HJSplit software..
The Vampire Diaries Ep5 Subtitle

hope you enjoy it!

 The cake that me and my mum decorate for the whole two days~~~ tired of mixing those icing~~ Pheeww~~:D


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