~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

Restless Saturday~~~

Saturday, October 17, 2009

 Okayyyy....so I've been busy these few days to do my blogging... i just hate it when i have a lot in my mind and i want to spill it out right away but i couldn't.... And in the end, when I get to spill it, my mind went blank...and because the idea doesn't feel fresh anymore....*isk isk isk*

Btw, I've just join this club without any purpose...hahhaa... just want to know what is it actually...
so feel free to check it out yourself..(n_n)

Yesterday is the last day of my practical...yeay~~~ but sadly, i'll still be working...*cringed*
and i'm so nervous for my presentation next week...*sigh*
Can't wait to get it over it, but to anxious to face it...

Oh ya, i've come across some blogs on bento making last week...which is awesome!!!! Makes me feel so excited to make bento for my family to bring for lunch! Sugoieee~~ but, i'm afraid that they wouldn't like it... but heck, i want to make one for myself! ;D

most of this blog gives a very thorough information on bento making...the accessories, the storage and everything about bento...even the pictures in there enough to leave you to salivate..LOL

Lotus opulence~~~ Pieces that i took (n_n)v

Oh well..i feel to bored right now to write down my life...feels like stumbling and falling too much in my dark forest..eventhough i've seen some light escaping thru the trees sometimes...but still, i keep stumbling when i try to catch the light source...
Geez, i'm feel like crap! Better do some bento lunch for me and my lil sis and lil bro...mum and big sis got some sports function at their office...so, i'm incharge...
that's all for now


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