~~ShaDowS QuoTe oF tHe DaY~~

LaW mAkeR sHoUlD nOt bE lAw BrEaKeR

Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful~

❁ Just a lil bit ❁

Thursday, October 22, 2009

All i want to do is walk away...
But i can't seem to move my feet from where I'm standing

Been listening to a song from Aloha From Hell.....i noe that band name sounds gruesome..but the song that i've been listening "Walk Away" is very nice and have a meaningful lyrics.. Try to listen for yourself.. It's a slow song, this one...♬♫♪

Feel free to download it from here:

Everyone else is getting their time to finish up their system and their reports and also presentation item...but me..still working in this tiny office...ALONE.... i hate it.... besides, i'm still not feeling well these days...why can't i just finish up my task at home..besides, theres nithing to do here..except for calling certain people and design some new poster for Sangria Nights... urghhh!!! ☠✇☢

Oh ya, there i go again...whining all the way.... I try not to whine, but due to the lack of contact with the outside world and also SUNSHINE ☼~~~ I suffer some kind of whine disease..LOL
Sounds insane even to me....Oh well, better make the best of it... I just hope that i can finish up my report before Monday and prepare all the things for my slide show presentations... ☮✌♬

Now I just want everything to be over !!!! I need a rest... I need holiday... i need me! and I need books!!!! *sigh*
Thank you for bear it with me guys... I wish my post would somehow sounds brighter or atleast make your day..but somehow i'm just feeling too gloomy right now... Due to the coughing that still haven't left me... Just keep getting worse...I guess i need to go see the doctor again... Keep finishing those medicine, afraid that in the end i end up addicted... LOL... *touch wood*


2 letters of shadows:

Jay said...

wishing u get well soon.

Rara Yuuki AJ said...

So sweet of you jay..thanks!

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